

Access the power of QiraAI via API. Automate your AI tasks, integrations, and application development using our AI-driven APIs. Manage your AI assets, access responses, and build automated solutions seamlessly with your favorite development environment.


All APIs are accessed via the base URL:

https://api.qiraai.com/v1/ Use this base URL with the API endpoints detailed below.

List of API Endpoints

API Endpoint Description Method
/GenAI Send a message to our General AI (ChatGPT-style) and get responses. POST

Example Request:

{ "input": "What can AI do?", "api_key": "YourAPIKey" }

Example Response:

{ "status": "success", "response": "AI can automate tasks, recognize patterns, and much more." }
/Translator Translate text between two languages. Default: English → Arabic. POST
/TalkToPDF Upload a PDF and interact with its content. POST
/Summarizer Summarize long texts into concise summaries. POST
/ImageGenerator Generate images from descriptive text input. POST
/ImageAnalizer Analyze an image and return descriptive tags. POST
/VideoGenerator Generate videos according to provided details. POST
/SocialVideo Generate vertical social videos based on input descriptions. POST
/TextToSpeech Convert text into speech audio with select voice options. POST
/xAccountAnalyzer Analyze X.com (formerly Twitter) accounts by handle. POST
/csvAnalysis Upload a CSV for data analysis and generate reports. POST
/npsAnalysis Upload customer feedback CSV for NPS analysis. POST

Get Your API License Key

Follow these steps to get your API license key and start integrating QiraAI's powerful tools:

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